About me

As far as I can remember, I have always been athletic. To find out that I had Parkinson's Disease in 2004, was a total surprise! I had to learn everything that I could about this disease. I read everything and went to many seminars and have and still do participate in Clinical Trials. After reviewing my medical records it was determined that I had tremors in 1987, at age 38 years old. I can no longer smell, I drag my left legs often. I loose my balance but I do enjoy dancing. If I fall, I get right back up.

Many things happen to a person with Parkinson's dsease. As of this date, there is no cure, just medicine and/or DBS to help. I can not have DBS because of the damage done from my previous stroke in the area where the surgery would take place. I am getting ahead of myself.

Then came the major stroke in 2004, after my Parkinson's disease diagnosis. How could this happen? Paralyzed on my left side. I had to learn how to speak, chew and swallow foods, regain all movements on my left side including using my hand and fingers to pick up things, legs and feet to move, stand, learn balance and walking., rebuild the muscles. I won't get into that. It took a year of 3 to 4 hours each day of all kinds of therapies. I had a blood clot in a vein burst in my brain. I thank God that I was able to get back to 99% of me.

I have had 4 major surgeries for female problems, beginning in 1981 and so far no more since 2009. In 2010, we ( My husband and I) purchased a motor coach and traveled over the US spreading the word about Parkinson's disease and passing out brochures We no longer have the motor coach.

When I was diagnosed with Dystonia of the feet and calves, I thought ok, I have had enough. Surely, nothing else will happen.

But I was wrong, more would come. I lost the bone in my lower jaw and ended up with cadaver bone, implants, and gums, and snap in lower dentures. I have had 6 other surgeries adding more bone and gum. I also have been dignosed with temors of my voice box, .

Through all of this, I continue to feel totally BLESSED! I Thank God for helping me. Of course I have pity me times, and say, Why Me, Lord? I am human, but most of the time when this happens, I look in the mirror and say, Why Not Me? I am a fighter and I will continue to fight this disease called Parkinson's Disease. I continue to exercise and meditate.

I use to be so shy. Now I give Seminars on Parkinson's Disease Awareness. I also began writing poetry, I hope you enjoy it.

God Bless,



Sunday, June 29, 2014

Within All Of Us Is a Spark Of Life

Thank you for stopping by. 
Come in and sit a spell, 
I always have something to tell.

Within all of us there is a spark of life.
Even if we are depressed and feeling down
 Reach deep inside and feel no strife. 
There is so much goodness all around.

Enjoy the sunshine and feel the rays,
This is the beginning of our day.
Listen to the sounds  as nature sings,
Enjoy the beauty that it brings.

Put your negatives in the box,
 Reach for a key to lock it up.
Happiness is what I strive for
It is better and so much more.

Live life as if it could be your last, 
Enjoy your family and your friends
 Making good memories and having a blast.

Always remember the choice is yours,
I for one, want to live and not be a bore.
Restoring the happiness within, 
Helps me to feel good and it is not a chore.
Always being negative would put me in the looney-bin.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Pain Relief

The relief from pain is when I am sleeping. 
I could be medicated and sleep my life away,
but that is not living. I fight it and have learned to cope.

I have learned to meditate, relax my breathing.
In my mind I picture a beautiful and colorful landscape.,
full of birds chirping. 
I can see a humming bird busy by the red flowering bush.
I see baby rabbits chasing one another.
Oh how relaxing and serene it is.

When I finish meditating, I feel my body relaxed. 
The pain is less now.

Join me, and let's begin to meditate
Some people like to listen to soft  music  to begin

Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit.
close your eyes and relax.
Your breathing will begin to slow down.

Picture in your mind a serene place.
A place that is your very own.
Let your mind drift and feel the beauty of your place.
This place belongs to you and you alone.

Your place feels no pain, it sees the beauty.
If it is the ocean, watch and listen to the waves hitting the shore.
If it is the mountains, try looking around and
 see  the birds  flying and chirping away.
Look to see if there is a water fall and listen 
to the tranquil sound of the water falling.

When you are finished give your self a tight hug
 and then release slowly.
Then give yourself a light hug and smile.
You just were able to relax and meditate.
I knew you could do it.
Practice this and it will become easier over time,
  the benefits are worth it.

Understanding DYSTONIA & PAIN

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Don't Let THIS Happen To YOU!

Important that it does not happen to you!

Please do not get your medicines mixed up. Remember to take your medicine when you are suppose to.  Each time you take your medicine set your alarm for when the next one 
is due.

You may want to chart it each day or have a medicine container with dividers to ensure that you are taking the correct medicine.

This will help you remember when it is time and what medicine to take.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

If you just lay, you will get depressed

Good Morning !

                                               Hello >>> Are you going to get Up and Move that Body?

If you just lay, you will get depressed 
 your body will feel worse.

Look at Parkinson's as this alien infecting your body.

Are you just going to do nothing,
Or are you going to fight it, 
By putting a smile on your face 
And moving your body.

I will take your hand and help you.
With me,  you will not be blue.

Let's walk a little outside
Doesn't the light and fresh air feel good?

Let's act like kids again and go down the slide.
Next we will swing and swing.

We returned home you and I,
Smiling knowing that we  have a friend 
until the very end.

Be proud of what you accomplished each day.
It will make that alien begin to fray.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Let's Dance!

As you will see , people with Parkinson's can dance,. Please watch and join in. I love to try to dance. So join us and dance. Just be careful you don't fall. Remember to ask your doctor before doing any type of exercise.

This is so much fun. Michael J. Fox, can play Hockey with no signs of Parkinson's Disease while he is skating.  You may not be able to dance the entire song and that is ok.

This is a wonderful way to exercise and it also helps with depression. This is a WIN, WIN  way of combining the fight agains  Parkinson's and the fight against depression.

Dancings helps to loosen your muscles and good for your heart. If you sing to the song this helps with strengthening your vocal cords and your breathing. The music helps you feel more upbeat helping to fight depression.

Please join me. Let's act a little silly, laugh and have fun.

I will try to walk like a duck...
and do the chicken,
while laughing if I get stuck.

So get out of your chair don't just sit and stare.
You are special and I truly care!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Parkinson's is what I have

This is so true.  We are not any younger so lets enjoy  life the best way that we can.  
For me, I say to everyone out there.

Let's warm our body up with some light exercises.

Stand behind a chair:
Hold onto the chair 
Raise your heel up and then put it down. Do the right one then the left.
Let's do it 10 times on each foot.

Now rest a moment.

Hold onto the chair
Shake your right foot Now shake your left foot.

Hold onto the chair

Let's March starting with your right foot. Sing the song and March along.

Parkinson's is what I have
I will fight it, yes I will,
Til I 'm buried and they read my will.

Fight it... Fight it...

Take the pills when it is time,
Don't forget them or it will show  
That you begin to feel so slow.

Fight it... Fight it...

Some people have the shakes
While others can't even relate.

Fight it ....Fight it.

When you do the exercise, 
you are on the winning side!

Click on to hear 

Monday, June 16, 2014


I plan to live, and not give in.
I plan to dance, and sing 

Our homes are full of replaceable things
But family and friends are
unplaceable human beings.

Unable to  do the things I use to do,
I am happy that I can still put on my shoes.

Sometimes when I find myself feeling down,
I look in the mirror and make faces like a clown.

There are times my pain can be unimaginable
 but I in turn try to meditate
 My vision may seem impracticable.
This world is mine that I can trace 
It is colorful, a warm and a beautiful place.

Upon my return from this imaginable world of mine
My pain is less now  and I am feeling fine.

At times things happen and you are down for a while,
 because of illness, surgeries and such.
Rest and mildly exercise to regain your strength.
Sometimes it seem to be too much.
Life is too short to let it just pass by
Without always wanting to try. 

God Bless

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Yes, Life is Wonderful!

I am back to being me again! I want to jump up and down, sing, laugh, and have fun. Yippee!!!

As I begin to sing, I look around and my hubby and my little dog Spencer went directly outside. Ha! Ha!

I know Parkinson's disease is a major disease and when other medical problems occur it is a double whammy, making it harder to fight. It may take longer to heal the other medical ailments, because our bodies is at war with all.

With clouds and rain, it nourishes nature and cleans our air. If we are fortunate, we see a rainbow. The Sun appears - Oh how beautiful!  The rays of the Sun, helps to make us feel really good.

Have you ever gone outside and really take in the beauty of life that is surrounding us. 
Feel the goodness, the wonders of nature. Actually take a moment and hear the sounds of the birds and watch the squires chase one another up the trees. Maybe if you are lucky, you may see a humming bird .

As I walk out onto the lanai, I see the alligator floating by. God has blessed me for seeing such splendid nature. The birds are chirping.  Yes, life is wonderful !

I Am Not A Spring Chicken!

We had planned taking our grandchildren this week since the beginning of February.
Reservations were made at that time. Although I was not 100%, we decided not to cancelled a few days at Busch Gardens. I am glad that we went. The children were wonderful.
I glowed with pride on the mannerism and behavior.
 I am not a Spring Chicken, But I am finally getting well.

I used a power wheelchair the entire time and that really helped me. On Thursday while in Busch Gardens, a small gust of wind blew, and a large Umbrella and stand tumbled over. The opened umbrella hit my right arm.  I thought it was a small mark on my arm but  I also had two small punctures in my arm. I had an incident report made and an EMT gave me ice to place on my arm.

Things happen but that did not end our fun with the children. We had an enjoyable time.

I would like to thank all for their prayers, concerns, well wishes and friendship.

God has truly blessed us.

Thank you and God Bless,

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Beginning of Better Days

I woke up this morning feeling better.
 I put one foot in front of the other 
and each day gets better and better.

Life is beautiful, Life is good.
It is too good to miss
I open my eyes, and praise God, 
I am thankful for not being just a mist.
I am of human skin and bone
It's not my time to go home.

I continue to follow the doctor's advice
I am slowing doing light exercises
and prefer to use my own devices.

My periodontist removed a few sutures,
It is slowly healing and looking good.
I have to return in the near future,
The remaining sutures will be removed.
The implants are healing as they should.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Tough Week For Me!

This has been a tough week for me. Monday was my oral surgery . It has been  6 days and still pain. Wednesday was Botox, this time I received 9 injections in my right leg and 7 in my left leg.
To top it off and normally I would not get this personable. It may sound gross, but it is a fact of life.
 I have had bleeding hemorrhoids.  The majority of people with bleeding hemorrhoids have a little blood when wiping. Due to the bacteria in me, the bleeding lasted close to a week out of each month. I was loosing about a 4 ounces of blood a day. I felt like I was  on my period.

Most people with Parkinson's disease deal with constipation. That was the opposite for me.
I have an unknown bacteria in my intestines that caused the diarrhea. This in turn caused the hemorrhoids. I had to wait until the diarrhea was under control  before this procedure could take place. So I had a procedure done Friday.

You are probably asking why in the world, would I have all of this done at once? I am on blood thinner and I have to be off  for the oral surgery and the for the band-aide  procedure. It is risky being off for fear of another stroke. In life we have to take chances at times and pray that all will turn out ok.

Normally, I can fight and overcome it sooner, but this time it has really knocked me for a loop. Each day, gets a little better and I am sure when the sutures are removed from my mouth on Tuesday, I will slowly be able to eat solid food and I will regain my strength.

Depression at times filters in, but I try my best to fight it. Music seems to help lift my spirits

I look at things differently.  I still am alive., I am not dying, I can manage with my pain.

I have a wonderful family, wonderful and caring neighbors! 

I am totally Blessed. Life is worth Living. Life is a challenge as well as a Blessing.

I  am looking forward to singing, dancing and riding my tricycle.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Feeling Blah!

I just can't sit around. 
I want to walk
But as soon as I do
I feel the need to lie down.
My body is not healing as fast as it did.
Is it Parkinson's or because of my age?

How do I fight this? What can I do?
I can't make myself younger,
I can't take away Parkinson's.

I can't believe this surgery put me down.
All I can do is gradually build my strength up
I can only eat soft foods.
That makes me frown.

First I used cold compresses,
 now hot compresses is needed,
I feel like I need to confess,
First cold now hot
Is this just to keep me busy or what?

 I must think positive and not let the blahs in.
I turn on the music to an upbeat song.
This helps me to feel good again.
Patience is needed for me to be strong.

I look in my mirror to give myself a talk
It may sound silly and come as a shock
Sometimes I make faces and laugh at myself.

If we all were as active as a child,
I wonder if we could stay healthier.
If so, that would be my style.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I am on my lanai this morning thinking about of all things, watermelons. I am probably thinking about food , since all I can eat is soft food, while I recuperate from this oral surgery. I have quite a bit of sutures in my mouth.  My lower jaw is all swollen, looking like I had been in a boxing match. It is weird, yesterday morning I had very little swelling, but that changed as the evening wore on. To take my mind off of the discomfort I sit back and relax.

My mind begins to wonder.  I am thinking about my childhood days. So sit awhile and let me tell you:

I remember as a child about 9 years old. A few of my girlfriends and I were walking home.  We saw this vacant lot with weeds growing about 2 feet high.  We were walking across it and spotted full grown watermelons. This is July - WOW- we struck it rich! We each grabbed a watermelon and continued walking home. The melons were quite big and we sat down a couple of times to rest, making sure that we didn't drop our watermelons.
Finally, we made it to my house. Other kids were asking, how we each came across the watermelons. We told them. About 4 other kids went to get them too.  Everyone ended up at my house. When my parents came home from work, we showed them what we found growing wild. Mom had purchased a bushel of corn so we all had corn on the cob and watermelon. How wonderful we all felt until the next day, when we found out the melons were not growing wild, but someone had planted the seeds .
Word spread about the watermelons  and a man came to our home. I explained to him that I was the one that suggested we each take one home, that it appeared as if they were growing wild. I apologized stating that I was sorry. He stated that he was grateful that I was honest with him. He said that he had planted the seeds, but never expected them to grow in that soil. He was wrong in not taking care of the land and that he was glad that we were able to enjoy them or they would have rotted. 
Mom asked me what I had learned from this. I stated that if something is growing that I should not pick it or take it,  unless I planted it myself.  We had to go to the field that weekend and  help clean up that lot. Although I was taught a lesson, I can honestly say, they were the Best watermelons that we ate that year.

 Have a joyful day!


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

My Surgery Went Well.

My surgery went well. I am a little swollen. The doctor did not use all of my roof of my mouth so I do not have a plate to cover it. I thank God for that. I am in pain, but I have medicine for that. All is good. Thank you for all of the well wishes. May God be with you and keep you well too.