About me
As far as I can remember, I have always been athletic. To find out that I had Parkinson's Disease in 2004, was a total surprise! I had to learn everything that I could about this disease. I read everything and went to many seminars and have and still do participate in Clinical Trials. After reviewing my medical records it was determined that I had tremors in 1987, at age 38 years old. I can no longer smell, I drag my left legs often. I loose my balance but I do enjoy dancing. If I fall, I get right back up.
Many things happen to a person with Parkinson's dsease. As of this date, there is no cure, just medicine and/or DBS to help. I can not have DBS because of the damage done from my previous stroke in the area where the surgery would take place. I am getting ahead of myself.
Then came the major stroke in 2004, after my Parkinson's disease diagnosis. How could this happen? Paralyzed on my left side. I had to learn how to speak, chew and swallow foods, regain all movements on my left side including using my hand and fingers to pick up things, legs and feet to move, stand, learn balance and walking., rebuild the muscles. I won't get into that. It took a year of 3 to 4 hours each day of all kinds of therapies. I had a blood clot in a vein burst in my brain. I thank God that I was able to get back to 99% of me.
I have had 4 major surgeries for female problems, beginning in 1981 and so far no more since 2009. In 2010, we ( My husband and I) purchased a motor coach and traveled over the US spreading the word about Parkinson's disease and passing out brochures We no longer have the motor coach.
When I was diagnosed with Dystonia of the feet and calves, I thought ok, I have had enough. Surely, nothing else will happen.
But I was wrong, more would come. I lost the bone in my lower jaw and ended up with cadaver bone, implants, and gums, and snap in lower dentures. I have had 6 other surgeries adding more bone and gum. I also have been dignosed with temors of my voice box, .
Through all of this, I continue to feel totally BLESSED! I Thank God for helping me. Of course I have pity me times, and say, Why Me, Lord? I am human, but most of the time when this happens, I look in the mirror and say, Why Not Me? I am a fighter and I will continue to fight this disease called Parkinson's Disease. I continue to exercise and meditate.
I use to be so shy. Now I give Seminars on Parkinson's Disease Awareness. I also began writing poetry, I hope you enjoy it.
God Bless,
Larry & Margie
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Love~ Peace ~ Hope
Friday, November 28, 2014
Parkinson's is like a storm brewing within
Parkinson's is like a storm brewing within
I hope to stop the worse before it begins
Fortunately I have that inner strength
that helps me go at great lengths
to overcome the pain I feel
I meditate to help me deal
I try to embrace life with a smile that is warm
That's what helps me to defeat this storm
If I were the type that moaned and groaned
Why would anyone want to come to my home
I do all that I can to be able to cope
I can never give up and live without hope
This progressive disease I've had for years
Each day I am thankful for still being here.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Thanksgiving should be a day to be thankful
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Dystonia & Parkinson's
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My dystonia beginning to twist as well as cramp. |
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Relief of my pain today
I force myself and say good grief
I rode my tricycle, nearly five miles
I was able to make it home somehow.
I over did it, some may say
But I try to do things my way.
It does help to take my mind off of it,
Surprisingly the pain is lessoning a little bit.
Hopefully tomorrow I will feel more fit.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Parkinson's Can Be Difficult
Friday, November 21, 2014
When Life is getting you down
When life is getting you down
And you need a little hope
Look deep down inside yourself
And you'll find the way to cope
It is time to reach within for strength
You may have to go at great lengths
But you will find it, yes indeed
For this is what you need.
Life on earth is truly a precious gift
God has been with us the entire time
Helping our feelings begin to lift
Making us feel so alive.
These moments we should treasure
Because they become our pleasures
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Begin our Day looking at the Positive.
Let's begin our day by looking at the positive in our lives.
We woke up this morning, fortunately we have survived
We are able to do our daily routine and that is wonderful
Which makes us feel so comfortable.
Knowing this slows down Parkinson's disease.
We can laugh and enjoy our lives, if you please
For God has given us another day,
So let's act like kids and go out and play,
It sounds like fun to play hide and seek.
The important thing is not to peek
Someone is going to think we are crazy
But it's fun and it's better than being lazy.
Life is too short to worry about what others may say
It's important to enjoy whether it is dancing or to play
Be happy whatever you choose to do
The decision is up to you.
A good day to make bread
Wow what a difference a day makes.
It is a cold windy day, in the 40's they say
That's cold for us in south western Florida
It's going to be a baking day.
I decided to make different breads
Having a variety, lemon pepper,
cranberry and blueberry
I like to serve a large spread.
As I am making these,
I have so many memories
Making noodles and hanging them up to dry.
Making Potato candy, and peanut brittle, oh my
So much fun, remembering those times.
It has been a very hard working day
But I am thrilled I was able to say,
I did it, and I sit down and pray,
Thanking God for this day.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Veterans Day at Pelican preserve
Our singing group is called Pelican Preserve Acapelicans
Singing is so beautiful and good exercise for us to do
Parkinson's is taking a toll on my voice too.
My voice is good for awhile
and then becomes softer and squeaky.
All of a sudden my voice is so creaky.
Truly that just isn't my style.
Information about Pelican Preserve Acapelicans: Our group is all wonderful volunteers.
A team of caring and dedicated people
Some are former teachers,accountants,
engineers, and realtors.
I am the only one with Parkinson's disease.
We can change Parkinson's disease by changing ourselves.
Monday, November 17, 2014
If you would care to donate, please go to:
Thank you!
Let's have some fun, and pass it on : Shaking and Dancing to Taylor Swift
Shake it off.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
I look within and feel so blessed
I look within and feel so blessed
I am at peace and not stressed
I go for a walk and feel a slight breeze
blowing through my hair so gently.
I see a squirrel running up a tree
Traveling with so much ease.
I did remember my sunscreen
I like to play and sing away
While I do my morning routine
I go outside with a smile on my face
I love to spread cheer to all that hear.
I did some laundry and made homemade soup.
Now it's time to rest and recoup.
Friday, November 14, 2014
I Feel At Ease
Often I begin my day going through the same routine.
If you go outside remember to use sunscreen.
Melanoma, is a side effect of the medicine we take.
So please, play it safe and use it for heavens sake.
Parkinson's is a progressive disease
But for some reason I feel at ease.
Many years I have suffered
Now I know that I are tougher.
All the years this disease has been with me
I no longer have fears of what tomorrow will be.
I thank God each day that has been given to me
I've had a stroke, loosing my left side.
I couldn't talk, walk, or even swallow.
I just couldn't bury my head and hide
All the the guidance, I learned to follow
But after a year of physical therapy
I regained back 99% of me.
I have endured many surgeries since then
Instead of complaining what I am unable to do
I prefer to live life to the fullest what I can do.
Having fun, trying to ignore my pain.
It is important for me to refrain
from letting PD get the most of me.
I love life and love to smile
I hope to stay here for awhile.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Subtract the Negative
Every time we subtract out the negative from our life
We make room for more positive
Life has it's up's and down and twist and turns
Sometimes we freeze and other times we fall
But we have managed to overcome it all.
Each day we move by exercising our body and mind
We remove all of those negatives that puts us in a bind
Don't feel bad when you can't keep up with a few
It is perfectly fine to move slow, as long as you do
We all have times when you just can't participate.
Just tell yourself that you are taking a break.
We are beginning to show it on our face
We are beginning to win the race
Although we are moving at a slow pace
We continue to have that drive
This tells us that we will survive
We now have so much pride
It can seen in our eyes.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
My love of Life
I have accepted my Parkinson's disease.
I have been given a second chance you see.
I was fortunate to go through a clinical trial
That reversed this Parkinson's for awhile
But now it is coming back to me.
My voice is softer as I talk
Loosing my balance a little more
I have no complaints, that's for sure.
I imagine that I can fly
Just like a bird way up in the sky.
Imagine the wonders that could be seen
Seeing the lawn so pretty and green.
Watching people swimming along the shore
Seeing the traffic, oh what a bore.
Is what living is all about.
There is no time to just sit and pout.
By writing my poems, I clearly see
How much God has given me.